On Wednesday Most Asia markets ended higher as US factory orders in May were stronger and there are hopes of further stimulus from global central banks. And trading and resource-related companies were the notable gainers because of rising commodity price.
The Nikkei rose 0.4% to 9104, its highest close since May 8. Trading firm such as Mitsubishi rose 2.9 percent and Mitsui & Co advanced about 2.3 percent. And Komatsu, a Japanese maker of construction equipment that gets nearly 20 percent of sales in the U.S., rose 2 percent.
Hong Kong Hang Seng closed at 19,709, down 25 points. Jiangxi Copper, a largest copper producer in China, rose about 1.5 percent and China Coal Energy jumped almost 5 percent.
ICE Arabica coffee futures soared to a six-week high.
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